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Mega Man

Game Information

The Mega Man series is an action game that the first game released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987. The game's popularity is due to the contrast between the good looking characters and the hard-core action of the story line. The game became so popular, a lot of derived productions were also created such as Mega Man "X", "Dash", "Zero", "Battle Network", "Star Force", "ZX" etc.

GenderMale, female
Age10-40 year olds
Licensing CategoriesEvent, Toys, Figures, Goods, Apparel, and Snacks etc.
Title KeywordsDot character, Speedrun, Action
Series WebsiteMega Man series Official website
Game Series Sales41 million units (as of Dec 31 2023)

Examples of Licensed Products

Plush toys
Café event
Potato chips